Big Cat Twitter: Why it’s taking over Social Media

Big Cat Twitter: Why it’s taking over Social Media

Big Cat Twitter is the new thing on the internet and it’s taking over. Whether you’re an animal nut or just looking for some fun content, you’ll love this. From funny tweets to beautiful pics, it has it all. But what is Big Cat Twitter and why is it so popular? Let’s go in. What … Read more

Serengeti: What is the Serengeti famous for?


Serengeti; why is it famous in the world? History of Serengeti diversity, description of appearance standard, characteristics of cats’ temperament, pet health, rules on animal care, price of the kitten. According to gender standards. Only four color options are allowed: Spotted contrast (black spot tabby); Ghostly spot (black); Ethereal area (non-smoking); Brown tabby. Characteristic properties … Read more